Friday, February 26, 2016

New Video!

I have a new video on Youtube up! It's a "What's in my bag" video.

I'm trying to get into the youtubing game. It's not hard, it just takes some time. But it's fun and I
 like making them! I already have a list of videos that I want to make. And I've also thought of some segments to do. Like, one of them is going to be called "Bat Talk" which is basically going to be me in my Batman onesie tell you guys stories and ranting and raving about my life. Most of the other videos I have planned are collection videos (I have a lot of stuff). My goal is to try and post a new video each week So keep on the lookout!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lots of Loki Love

Go Green

This outfit right here is a classic example of how you can dress geeky but also have a hint of fashion at the same time. If I had the cash, I would totally this whole outfit! Unfortunately, I don't have the funds for a Celine bag. I do have the Loki shirt though. I got from a shop called WeLoveFine. They have all sorts of geeky clothes that look fashionable. And they're not "basic" looking either. What I mean by basic is that they're not just generic t-shirts with logos on them. There was some effort being put into the design of every piece of clothing that they have. Also their prices are pretty reasonable.

Monday, February 22, 2016

When You Don't Like Spidey, But You Enjoy His Color Scheme

Low Key Spider-Man

It's not that I don't like Spider-Man, it's just that I don't like the fact that he's the reason they pushed back Thor 3. Because they want to reboot him(again, For the 100th time), they had to push back making Thor 3 to make room for it. That doesn't sit well with me. Leave Spidey alone he had his chance. Twice. Other movies shouldn't be pushed back because you want to try it again. Now I have to wait longer than usual to get my Thor fix (hint-hint:I'm a huge Thor fan). And I"m not too thrilled about that. But it is what it is. All I can do know is wait.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hiddles is my Valentine

Valentines with bae

Hiddles is bae. He will always be bae. There will never come a day when he is not. He's the reason why I don't have an actual boyfriend. I've set my standards high. Well, according to modern day men, they're high. I just want to find someone that I have some things in common with and that I'm attracted to. It's hard to find both in a man. It's either one or the other. I know he's out there, I haven't found him yet. So until then I'm gonna keep on loving Tom Hiddleston

No seriously, my love for Hiddles runs deep. peep my tumblr

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Panther Pride!


I know this isn't exactly "geeky" but GO PANTHERS! Panthers all day! To be honest, I'm only a fan because I live in Charlotte and the football stadium is right down the street from me. Coming from a small town, I think that's the coolest thing ever!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Keep It Geek: At The Gym

Keep It Geek: At the Gym

I've been thinking about going to gym to slim down a bit. I don't necessarily need to lose any weight, I just want to tone down my bottom.My diet has been slacking lately. Mostly because I'm too lazy or tired to cook, and on top of that I don't like to shop for food. I know it's better financially to go food shopping, I just don't like to do it. I had an idea of one day going to the flea market and turning up on some vegetables, but that didn't work. The way I'm set up, the veggies would go bad. There is the option of buying frozen veggies, but I don't trust them.They smell funny when you start to unfreeze them. So I'm thinking that maybe if I just do some exercise, it will help me out some. But the only way I'll be motivated to do it is if I have a cute outfit to workout in. Unfortunately, the Loki pants are not available right now. I'm pretty sure I can find some Iron Man or Batman ones. I already have a Batman shirt picked out. It says "I'm training to be Batman" on the front. I picked it up at Walmart for about $8.There's also a Superman and a Wonder Woman one. You can probably still find those. I know the Batman one is pretty much gone(because everyone loves Batman). Every Walmart is different depending on where you live.

But yeah, back to the outfit. The gym bag is really cute and it goes with my Marvel travel set that I've collected. I didn't buy it as a whole, I found bits and pieces and put it together.Every piece has the retro comic collage design on it. Kind of like my blog background. I think it's from the same brand that made my travel toiletries bag. And if that's the case, the quality is really good. Good enough for you to bring to a sweaty gym and still hold up. Once I buy it I'll let you know for sure.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Casual Sailor Moon

Sailor Casual

Not everything will be about Marvel and Batman. This sailor moon outfit is keeping it geek while also keeping it casual.